HypnoBirthing® - The Mongan Method
HypnoBirthing® is a natural birthing technique and at the same time a philosophy which it is believed that all babies should come to the world in a gentle, calm, and joyful atmosphere. During birth, severe discomforts shouldn’t occur and ceases to exist if the mother is properly prepared and entrusts her body.
HypnoBirthing® classes is built upon an educational framework of self-understanding, special breathing techniques, relaxation, visualization, meditative practice, and attention to nutrition, positive body toning, and healthful family living. It also fosters a mutual respect for the birthing family, as well as the health-care provider. Parents would develop positive attitude towards pregnancy and birth, and early parenting experience and bond with your child.
Parents are encouraged to take the HypnoBirthing® classes starting from three months of pregnancy. There are 5 classes in total in a span of 5 consecutive weeks, one class per week. Each class approximately takes 2 to 2 and a half hours.

HypnoBirthing Advantages:
Teaches deep level of relaxation to eliminate the fear that causes tension and, thus pain during birth
Greatly reduces and often eliminates the need for chemical painkillers and drugs
Shortens the first phase of labor
Leaves mother alert, fresh, awake and with energy
Helps keep oxygen supplied to baby during birthing
Reduces the need for an episiotomy
Reduces and often eliminates fatigue during labor
Empowers parents with techniques to achieve a gentle, calm birth for themselves and their babies
Gives the birthing companion an integral role in the birthing
Embraces the concept of pre-birth parenting
Teaches breathing techniques that allow a woman to gently breathe her baby into the world without the violence of hard, physical pushing
Have a glimpse of how calm and comfortable HypnoBirthing can be through our HypnoBirthing videos:
And watch more HypnoBirthing videos which are exclusively in HypnoBirthing class only!