HypnoVivi Birth Story - The Birth of Gia
Here is one of the birth stories from a couple who took HypnoVivi's HypnoBirthing class. Feel how empowered the mom was at her birth!
Welcome Baby Girl Gia who arrived on January 25th at 12:58 am.

On Friday Jan 24th I had gotten a prenatal massage and shortly after my uterine seal came out. I started having surges right after the seal came out starting at 3pm. They were about 11-15 minutes apart lasting for a few hours like that. Ian had to work until 7:30 so I labored at home until he Was finished. By the time he got home my surges were around 8 minutes apart. So he bathed our son and put him to sleep while we waited for our nanny to come. I was unable to lay down and the only way I could get relieve from the surges was by walking and going to the bathroom to sit on the toilet. My surges became much shorter in length about 5 minutes apart and became more challenging to stay relaxed. As soon as our nanny arrived we packed the car up and headed to the hospital. In the car the surges got even closer together about 3-4 minutes apart. We listen to the tapes while headed to the hospital, I did my best but was a bit hard be comfortable in the car. As soon as we arrived at the hospital we rushed to the ER entrance and they brought me upstairs. We got there at 12:26 am. They were checking me in at the triage area and I was at 4cm and within 10 minutes I was at 8cm. The rushed me to my delivery room, and I started breathing the baby down hoping that my doctor and doula would make it in time, thankfully my doctor arrived and was able to deliver baby. I had 3 surges, then I breathed the baby out on the 4th surge at 12:58 am. It was very painful for me and a bit harder than I imagined, my doctor said the way the baby was positioned May have caused a little more pain than usual. All the nurses kept trying to get me to lay down and do traditional/hospital breathing and birthing positions but I was in control and made it clear how I needed to move and breath to be comfortable. I was very happy that I managed to get through the birth unmedicated, It allowed for me to be in control and my recover was so much easier! It was only 10 hours from the time I lost my seal to when she arrived. I am happy we took the hypnobirthing classes as it truly helped me find my voice and prep as best as I could to get through this delivery. Thanks for all your help!